Browse Articles By Tag: causes of acne
Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits.
20.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Rather than just addressing the acne bacteria, or even the role of hormones in acne, some dermatologists are now looking at another approach. Find out how all three causes of acne work together to produce the damage that can lead to scarring.
20.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Cystic acne is far from fun. Here is some information on how to prevent it and general information on how it forms.
19.03.2012 · From Andrew_Facebook
To find the root causes of how acne begins, look no further. Before attempting to cure it, you should find out how it was caused initially.
15.03.2012 · From Andrew_Facebook